Name: AJ McLean

Birthday: January, 9 1978 in West Palm Beach (Capricorn)

Nickname: Bone

Favorite Color: yellow

Hobbies: Dancing, basketball, writing poems, shopping, shooting pool, cartooning,volleyball

Pets: 2 black and white Malteses, named Panda and Bear

Intsrument: Bass Guitar

Favorite Food: McDonalds

Favorite Cologne: CK One

Favorite School Subject: English

Favorite TV Show: Seinfeld

Favorite Foreign city: Paris

Favorite Movie: Pulp Fiction

Favorite Stars : Dustin Hoffman , Geena Davis

Ideal Girl: AJ likes their eyes. The first thing he looks at is your eyes. He also likes long hair.

Aj's Bio

AJ appeared in 27 plays by sixth grade, a talented dancer, actor, and singer! He still hasn't gotten his driver's liscense because he is too busy touring with the group.

Though AJ is the biggest Worry Wart in the group, he is a dare-devil at the heart. His parents divorced when he was four. He was just recently reunited with his dad. AJ has a deep raspy voice that Kevin would like to have!